I think of myself as a BBQ Ph.D.
(if you already read this on the home page, scroll down for more.)
Although I’ve earned a doctorate in mineral economics, I’ve never been a silver spoon Ph.D., sitting in an ivory tower. I’m a regular person—a wife and mother. Sometimes I feel like a little girl pretending to be a grown up. My car breaks down. My dog throws up on the carpet. Recently, I dropped my cell phone in the toilet. I thought I had rescued it in time, but no. I had to get a new one.
I struggle to find purpose and identity. Yes, I have a lot of letters behind my name but most people don’t care.
My mind and education give me a unique perspective. I’m curious about everything. When I go to amusement parks and performances, I wonder what’s happening behind the scenes. How was the experience created? When I drive past homes at night I peek in the windows. Who lives there? What is their life like? I’m not a creepy stalker. I don’t linger. But I wonder.
Writing fiction gives me an excuse to delve into other worlds and experiences. I’ve held a lot of interesting sounding jobs—chemist, professor, economic development specialist, financial analyst. Okay, financial analyst doesn’t sound that interesting. I’m geeky and like Excel spreadsheets. It’s part of my charm.
I’ve started a Blog, Ponderings of a BBQ Ph.D., so you can follow my journey. I’ll post random observations and interesting things I run across. I don’t want to compete with all my friends who write serious and thoughtful blogs. I’m going for fun. Life can be very entertaining.
I write Christian fiction—historical and contemporary—and Christian devotions. Most recently, I’m working on a dual timeline project that ties the historical story to the contemporary story. Best of both worlds. I’m available for speaking engagements and women’s retreats.


I am available to speak to women’s groups for a short talk or a weekend retreat.
Contact me if you would like to arrange something.
Public Speaking
I worked as a professor for four years and learned to be comfortable speaking to groups. Amazing how God arranged it. Shy and nervous about public speaking, I never intended to teach. But I earned my Ph.D. in poor economic times. I took the job as a professor when I couldn’t find a research job.
I have served as a speaker at three women’s retreats, developing material specific to each particular retreat.
I am currently developing some speaking topics. I’ll list them here. If you have a topic, I’d love to work with you on it. Contact me.
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